Nikky Ariyo Ojo is a Nigerian Gospel Artiste based in Texas, in the United States of America. Born to a retired Civil Servant Dad, and a business woman mom, Nikky, the oldest of six siblings started music at an early age at the Methodist church in Nigeria.
She later went on to hone her musical skills at the Bendel State University while studying Economics: she was a member of the Blue Ray Band.
Nikky moved to the University of Lagos to get her Masters Degree in Educational Administration before advancing to the United kingdom for a degree in Mental Health Nursing from the London Southbank University. There she founded the Testimony Crew band in 1996
she relocated with the band  to the United States in 2008. She takes pride in her band, 'it is a gospel band that brings God's word and praise in testimonies and songs', she says.
Nikky Ariyo Ojo just recently acquired another Masters degree in Human Dynamics in November 2014.
Now that she has her own band, they live to impact on the lives of the people they come across
