Precisely, on the 18th of August 2014, out of a desire to create senergy among music ministers, a few of the prominent music minds in Abuja came together to forge a united front. This simple meeting, was latter to snowball into what has become known now as the wide spreading Fellowship of Gospel Music Minister of Nigeria. FOGMMON. This has become the greatest wonder of our time.

FOGMMON The fellowship of Gospel music ministers of Nigeria has now become the fastest growing organisation in Nigeria by dint of National and international spread and affiliations. The primary tenet of Fogmmon which is basically fellowship has become a major pull and alluring reality to numerous gospel musicians in Nigeria who have toiled in the landscape like orphans. As at the last count, 25 states have had runing chapters planted and more states have called to express their desire to join the revolution. Not to mention the four states in the united state that have running chapters and the Macedonian calls from Sieraleon, Gambia, Liberia, Kenya, South Africa, England, France and countless countries world wide.. The major Challenge of the organisation, is basically on how to consolidate the gains of this foundational spread and the to set up the proper structures to faciltate a stable growth process in d nearest future and that it is doing with all amount of committement.

Now , why is Fogmmon so attractive? 1. There is something divine in its timing. 2. It came to fill an obvious void, which is the Lack of fellowship and cooperation among music ministers in Africa. 3.It continues to address the burning issues that confront, the music ministry in Nigeria. 4. It has a unique leadership structure at the center. It has an Exco, and a Think Tank which is like a National Assembly. 4. It has very pasionate, sacrificial and highly energetic leadership 5. It is a completely detrabilised organisation. Its Chairman Board of Trustees Dr Panam Percy Paul who is one of the most uncontestable names in the ministry of music in Africa, is from the North, The National President, Asu Ekiye is from the South and leadership spread accross the different tribes in Nigeria. It is the only gospel Music NGO or Association, if you like, that has its chapters spread, accross the six geopolitical regions of Nigeria. And it has a very healthy relation with the Body of Christ. 3.It is affiliated to the Christian Association of Nigeria CAN and The Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria PFN. 4. It has a clear cut mission and Vision statement.

This is the Tag given to FOGMMON Convention. The second in its series.It is the greatest gathering of Musicians around the country. It hopes to bring together, musicians from at least 25 state chapters of the fellowship for proper training and the discussion of the way forward and the need to establish a formidable ground for a vibrant organisation of the future. This year's convention promises to be a great convergence. With Over a hundred Bishops and leaders of Ministries cutting accross the different blocks of the christian faith billed to attend. Even the political class not left behind. And the Special Guest of honour this year happens to be the Speaker of the House of Rep Rt Hon, Dogara. September 18th is a date with the minstrels. Venue remains the National Christian Center at the Central Business District of Abuja. The time is 4pm.



No doubt this is a revolution.


  1. God be praised. This is so wonderful. I'll make sure to attend.


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